My friend Nic just bought a Jeep, and he's got the itch to get out and put it to good use. So, of course, when he asked me to join him, I couldn't resist. Yesterday, we spent most of the morning and afternoon exploring our little corner of the world. We ventured into the mountains above mine and Steph's new neighborhood, just north of the Kennecott Copper Mines, and then we headed down into Herriman and cruised up into Rose Canyon, deep into the southwest corner of the Salt Lake Valley. It blows my mind how a 30 minute treck up a dusty road can take you into a whole different world.

If you're going to drive up a mountain, you might as well stop for a couple of poses...
A lot of people wonder why someone would want to beat up their vehicle, burn gas, risk rolling over or breaking something, and "waste" a day driving up a mountain. Well, aside from the thrill and excitement of driving on things that most vehicles couldn't even drive around, how about this?
That view exists about 20 minutes west of my new house (well, my new lot, but whatev...) And trust me - this camera phone picture does it no justice. And how about this?
Somewhere west of Salt Lake and east of Tooele, we drove up the middle of a group of about 70 or 80 wild horses. I took that picture out the window of my FJ as I drove by, so that's why there's one and two-half horses kind of in the shot (no, two halves don't always make a whole). I assume they were wild because 1- There were no fences anywhere to suggest that this was someone's land for grazing horses, 2- This would not have been a convenient chunk of land to access for horse grazing, 3- There was a lot of freakin horses - likely more than one person would own, and 4- They just had a wild vibe going on. In addition to the horses, we saw deer, squirrels, birds, oh yeah, and bugs. A lot of bugs. But clear up there, somehow, even the bugs are cool. But seriously, the views... Again, these camera phone shots do no justice, but from one peak in Herriman, we could see:
The entire Salt Lake Valley...
The Great Salt Lake (I know you can't see it in this picture, but I promise, it's there in the distance, and we could see it):
All three of those pictures were taken from the exact same spot. Maybe you had to be there to really enjoy it, and to those of you who weren't, I'm sorry. You missed out.